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Do I Need a Lawyer After a Wyoming Car Crash?

Why You Need an Attorney After Your Wyoming Car Accident

One of the first questions you may have after your car accident is whether you need to hire an attorney. If you were cited by police for the accident or believe it was your fault, it would probably be wise to consult with an attorney about your legal liability going forward. But what if you weren’t at fault for the accident? Should you hire an attorney to assist in your recovery?

The best way to know if you need an attorney is by answering the following questions:

Did you require medical care at the scene of the crash?

Are you in need of medical care following the car accident?

If you answered yes to one or both of these questions you should, at the very least, consider seeking out a personal injury attorney for a consultation. The attorneys with The Advocates offer free legal consultations to victims of most any personal injury incident.

The sad fact is that the insurance industry does not have your well-being in mind. Most people are simply unprepared for the shady tactics and tricks regularly deployed by insurance adjusters to keep the settlements they pay out as low as possible. Without a legal expert on your side, the odds of you making the best recovery possible are rather low. Hiring an Advocate attorney is the best way to ensure you win maximum compensation for the injuries and losses you have suffered.

When Should You Hire an Advocate Attorney After Your Car Crash?

The Advocates strongly recommend consulting with an attorney immediately after any type of automobile collision. Regardless of whether you want or need to hire an attorney, most personal injury law firms will review your potential case without charging you a dime so you should take advantage of free advice. On the other hand, if you do need an attorney you should hire The Advocates to help your recovery. You won’t find a better law firm in all of Wyoming.

Below are a few reasons why you need an Advocate attorney on your side:

Legal Deadlines

Personal injury claims have time limits by which they must be filed. This time limit is known as a statute of limitations and they tend to vary from state to state. In Wyoming, the statute of limitations is a full 4 years from the date of the injury. This means you that if you have been injured in a car accident, you have 4 years to file an injury claim with a Wyoming court or you will give up to your right to recover compensation. Hiring an experienced attorney will help alleviate any chance you miss important deadlines which could harm you injury claim.

Medical Treatment

Medical records are the very foundation of car accident injury claims. Without detailed medical records showing clear damage and injury, your chance of winning fair compensation for you car accident plummets.

There are no two ways about it. If you suffered an injury caused by a car crash, you should seek out medical care as soon as possible. Trying to walk off the pain is a grave mistake. Even if you do not have medical insurance, you should still make an appointment with a doctor or clinic. Don’t worry. Your Advocate attorney can help connect you with a network of medical providers who can help you start the healing process. That’s our promise to you.

Expiring Evidence

Successful injury claims on built on airtight evidence. While photographs of the damaged vehicle or police reports can be obtained whether at the time of the crash or afterwards, a lot of pertinent evidence has a short shelf-life. Evidence such as video surveillance, witness testimony, and scenes of the actual crash site can expire quickly if a legal expert about such matters doesn’t strike while the iron is hot. For example, photographic evidence capturing the physical crash scene, automobile debris, tire skid marks, etc., may be removed within days or even hours after the accident. Your Advocate attorney has the resources and staff to act quickly to preserve such vital evidence.

Witness Testimony

Witness testimony is both one the most important pieces of evidence and the most fragile. Memory tends to become less reliable over time and if witnesses of your accident aren’t interviewed within days of the incident, a skilled defense attorney may poke enough holes in their depiction of the events, thus weakening your injury claim. Most witnesses are able to remember the date on which an accident occurred but given enough time they may forget the actual details about the crash itself.

With an attorney representing your case, they will contact every relevant witness, ask them the right questions, and record their answers either verbally or in written statements. With such airtight evidence backing up your claim, your case is pretty close to a slam dunk.

Why Won’t My Insurance Cover My Medical Costs?

While it depends on your actual policy, your car insurance should pay for the majority of your medical treatment according to Wyoming law. Wyoming stipulates that every auto insurance policy sold within the state cover a minimum of liability coverage. Insurance companies, however, often do all they can to get out of paying their fair share. It is a common practice for such companies to train their adjusters to pay out the smallest amount of money possible.

Insurance companies may depict themselves as caring and concerned for your well-being in their slick television commercials, the truth is that, at the end of the day, they are a for-profit industry concerned wholly with profits over the people whom they sell policies to. Hiring an attorney to represent your injury claim will prevent the insurance companies from taking advantage of you and will help ensure you receive the medical care you deserve.

Top 5 Insurance Adjuster Tricks You Should Watch Out For

Too often insurance companies can act in an absolutely ruthless fashion when it comes to maximizing their profits by paying as little as possible for injury claims. The primary way they do this is by hiring smooth-talking insurance adjusters and then training them with tactics intended to trick you out of obtaining fair and just compensation for the injuries and losses you have suffered.

Below are the most common tricks and tactics you should look out for whenever you deal with an insurance adjuster:

#1 Delay, Delay, Delay

If the at-fault party’s insurance provider doesn’t flat out deny your claim from the offset, they might try, at the very least, to delay it over and over again. The goal of this tactic is to attempt to wear you down in the hopes you’ll just accept a reduced settlement so you can put the entire matter behind you. Unfortunately, this trick all too often works like a charm, especially with people who are too busy to deal with a pushy insurance adjuster. Having an attorney handling your injury claim is the best way to blunt this dishonest tactic. Your Advocate attorney won’t fold like a house of cards and will demand full compensation for your claim.

#2 Stalk Your Social Media

Insurance companies frequently deploy the tactic of spying on your social media in the hopes of finding evidence which can one day be held against you. Since any information, photos, or video freely posted on social media is determined to be for public consumption, these companies are legally allowed to monitor your social media accounts and then use the data they recover against you in a court of law. For this reason alone, you should be especially mindful of what you post or even consider pausing your social media accounts entirely until your claim has fully settled. One slip up could, literally, cost you thousands of dollars.

#3 Underestimate Your Medical Bills

Depending on the severity of your injuries, you likely have several medical bills for the services you received: a surgeon, an anesthesiologist, a chiropractor, a physical therapist, an ambulance and many more. A common practice of insurance adjusters is to undercount the amount of medical bills they are responsible for or even rushing you to settle before all of your bills are fully tabulated. Hire The Advocates and ensure all of your medical bills are fully accounted for and paid.

#4 Fake Empathy to Rush You into a Lower Settlement

Easily one of the most dishonest tactics on this list is an adjuster feigning concern or empathy for your situation. Never forget that the adjusters working on your claim do not have your best interests in mind. The entire point of their job is to pay you as small a settlement as possible. They are not your friends. Hire an attorney and simply tell any pushy adjusters to call your lawyer.

#5 Demanding a Recorded Statement About Your Accident

Oftentimes, insurance adjusters will make the false claim that they are unable to begin the claims process until you make a recorded statement about the events of your accident. They deploy this tactic with the hopes you’ll make an on-the-record comment which could contradict the facts of your accident and can one day be used against you.

The truth of the matter is that you have the right to wait until you consult with an attorney about your legal options. If you give them a statement too soon, you run the risk of not being able to claim injuries which appear days or weeks after your accident, such as whiplash or soft tissue damage. An insurance adjuster requesting a recorded statement should be a red flag for you to consult with an attorney about your injury claim.

While these are just a few tricks insurance adjusters regularly deploy, you should be mindful of other dishonest tactics used to cheat you out of a fair settlement. Our advice is to consult with an Advocate attorney about your accident and options going forward. Our attorneys will answer all of your legal questions free of charge and advise you as to your best course of action going forward.

How Do I Recover Full Compensation from My Accident?

The best way to recover maximum compensation after your accident is to hire an Advocate attorney to represent your injury claim. Our legal team will expertly manage your case from start to finish and ensure any and all evidence is collected in a timely manner and organized in a professional fashion.

After you hire The Advocates you can focus solely on healing and your recovery while we negotiate with the at-fault insurance provider. To make sure we can build you the best possible injury claim, you can do the following things:

  • Attend all your doctor’s visits including follow-ups and taking prescribed medication
  • Keep all documentation from your collision
  • Do not speak with the at-fault party; even an apology can be construed as an admission of guilt
  • Most importantly, do not give a statement without an attorney present

The best thing you can do for your case, however, is to hire an accident attorney. The Advocates are ready to fight for your recovery and get you the compensation you are owed.

How Do I Speak With an Attorney About My Wyoming Case?

If you or a loved one have been injured due to another’s negligence, you’ll need an Advocate on your side. Here are the quickest ways you can speak with an accident attorney near you:

Here at The Advocates, we know the ins and outs of Wyoming personal injury law and are all too familiar with insurance adjuster tricks. We’ve got your back and will do the heavy lifting for you. Don’t wait. You deserve an Advocate!

Speak with an Advocate Today!