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Will a Motorcycle Crash Affect My Insurance?

How Will a Motorcycle Accident Affect My Car Insurance Premium?

Motorcycle insurance works the same as vehicle insurance. Most likely you will simply add your motorcycle as an additional vehicle to your existing car insurance policy. You do not have to do it that way, but most companies offer discounts if you combine policies.

1. If you are involved in a motorcycle accident your premium will go up. This works the same way it does if you had been driving a car. If you were at fault for the accident and had to file a claim with your insurance company for repairs, medical expenses, and liability, that claim with negatively impact your premium.

2. If the accident was not your fault, you may be able to make a third-party insurance claim. If you do not make a claim on your own insurance policy your motorcycle insurance rates should remain the same. Please look at the details of your individual policy for specifics.

3. The motorcycle policy may or may not affect your auto policy. Usually, after an accident, the policy on the wrecked vehicle increases. In theory, your car insurance should be the same, but remember that insurance is all interrelated. Your accident may affect how the insurance company evaluates the risks you take or how the pieces of your insurance policy affect each other.

4. The best person to ask about insurance increases and interactions is your motorcycle and auto insurance agent. He or she is familiar with the company’s policies and procedures as well as your individual policy.

5. If you think your insurance company is stonewalling you or not covering something they should be, you can talk to an attorney. Personal injury attorneys work with insurance companies every day, and they speak the language.

6. Attorneys from the Advocates are available 24-7 for a free consultation.