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What is the Personal Injury Claims Process?

If you’ve been injured in an accident that was likely someone else’s fault, you’re probably wondering what you should do next.

When involved in any kind of collision caused by someone else, it’s always important to remember that you have the right to speak with a personal injury attorney before making any decisions.

The key to recovering full compensation for your injuries and losses is understanding the timeline of a typical personal injury case, which our attorneys will walk you through.

In the following article, we will outline the most important steps in the personal injury claims process, how long this takes and what our accident attorneys can do to help your case.

Here is the personal injury case timeline:

Seek Medical Treatment

The first thing you should do immediately following an accident is seek medical treatment. Even if you’re only experiencing minor injuries, you should always go to a medical provider or the emergency room after a collision. This not only important for your safety and well-being but if you don’t get medical treatment, the insurance adjuster and the jury may undermine the severity of your injuries.

Speak with a Personal Injury Attorney

When speaking with a personal injury attorney, remember that your initial consultation is free of charge. This is your opportunity to explain your situation to get a better understanding as to whether or not you will need an accident attorney to file your injury claim for you. Anytime that you suffer a serious injury, you will absolutely need a personal injury lawyer to represent your case.

Lawyer Begins Thorough Investigation Process

The investigation process is just an initial interview by your attorney to gather as much information about your collision as possible before moving forward. Be sure to answer all of their questions as honestly and completely as you can. From there, your lawyer will help collect your medical bills and any other medical records relating to the accident.

Lawyer Prepares Demand Letter

The vast majority of smaller personal injury claims usually settle before a lawsuit is ever filed. If your lawyer thinks the case can be settled out of court, then they will prepare a demand letter to send to the at fault party’s attorney or insurance company. However, if neither party can come to a fair settlement agreement, the case will move into the “litigation” phase.

Personal Injury Lawsuit is Filed

A personal injury lawsuit is only filed in court when an agreement between both parties can’t be made. This step in the personal injury claims process needs to be completed within strict time limits that each state has in place called a statue of limitations. Under filing a lawsuit in court, each party will investigate the other side’s legal claims, mediate and negotiate and eventually go to trial if neither resolutions works.

Trial (If Necessary)

Mediation is the process in which both clients receive assistance from a neutral third party to help resolve the case. This often works, but if it doesn’t then the case will be scheduled for trial.

Contact a Nebraska Personal Injury Attorney Today!

If you or a loved one were injured by another driver, you should contact a personal injury attorney right away.

Don’t wait. You deserve an Advocate.